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How To Cancel Surfshark & Get Money Back Easily?

How To Cancel Surfshark

Do you have bought the Surfshark VPN subscription but do not find it worth your money? If yes then don’t worry you still have a chance to get your money back from Surfshark by canceling your subscription. However, there is no way by which users can directly cancel Surfshark subscriptions. So today we will provide the method through which you can cancel Surfshark in simple 3 steps.

How Do I Cancel My Surfshark VPN?

30 days Money back guarantee in surfshark

Surfshark provides a 30-day of money-back guarantee for its users, so if you want to cancel your Surfshark Subscription then do it fast.

Below here we have mentioned all steps by which you can cancel your Surfshark subscription.

  • Visit the official website of Surfshark company.
  • Connect with the customer support team through the live chat option.
  • You can also email them at the address
  • Write them for your refund and tell them the reason for your Surfshark plan cancellation.
  • In 12 or 24 hours, you will get an approval reply from the company.

Now we are going to explain simple steps to cancel Surfshark VPN for PC, Mac, and other devices.

How To Cancel Surfshark & Get A Refund On Android?

If you are an Android user then you can cancel the Surfshark subscription directly from your mobile. You can follow the few steps to cancel Surfshark on Android.

  • Visit the Google Play Store
  • Sign in with your account and click on the My Subscription section.
  • Select the Surfshark subscription there.
  • Click on the manage option and select the cancel option.
  • Now, you have successfully canceled your Surfshark lifetime subscription services Android.

How To Cancel Surfshark on IOS Devices To Get Refund?

You can follow the mentioned steps to cancel Surfshark if you have got your subscription from iTunes or App store.

  • Visit settings on your device.
  • Click on the subscription section.
  • Select Surfshark and cancel the subscription there.

But if you have not bought your Surfshark VPN subscription from the App Store or iTunes then you will have to visit the company’s official site as we have mentioned above here.

Cancel Surfshark Subscription on a Mac Computer?

If you have a Mac computer then you have to follow some different steps as compared to Android & IOS devices. To cancel Surfshark on a Mac device follow the steps below here:

  • Open the app store on your Mac device.
  • Tap on your name available on the right side.
  • Click on the view information option.
  • Sign in if you asked & you will be redirected to another page.
  • Scroll down till you see the subscription section.
  • Manage > Edit present beside the Surfshark app.
  • Now, click on the cancel option.

Keep one thing in your mind you have to use the same ID on the device that you use while purchasing the Surfshark subscription. If you want to purchase the subscription again then it is the right time for you. Shop now and grab Surfshark 83% off discount on all its subscription plans.

Can You Cancel Surfshark Anytime?

No, the company gives only 30-days to cancel the subscription. After 30 days, they will automatically deduct the payment from your card or via the banking details you have filled in while subscribing to it. So it is better for you to mark the date of your subscription and cancel it before you get charged for it.

Also, you can buy Surfshark Disney+ and Surfshark Firestick or many services with its exclusive service. So, after getting subscription, you can cancel your Surfshark plan after 30 days and get 30 days money back guarantee.

How To Cancel Surfshark Through Paypal?

To cancel your Surfshark VPN subscription follow the steps here and get server location to connect suitable servers.

  • First, log in to your Paypal account.
  • Click on the settings section.
  • Click on the payments section & select Manage Automatic Payments.
  • Select Surfshark VPN and click on the cancel button.
  • On the confirmation page click on “Cancel Automatic Payments”.
  • Last, click on the Done on verification page to complete the unsubscription.

Can I Cancel Surfshark Subscription After 30 Days?

No, the Surfshark company will not pay you the refund if you claim it after 30 days of your shopping. So it will be a good decision if you buy the Surfshark monthly plan before deciding whether you need it or not for long period.

Which VPN Should I Buy After Surfshark Cancelation?

If you have successfully canceled your Surfshark VPN then it would be a better decision to go with NordVPN or ExpressVPN. Both companies are working in this field for so long and they include numerous features and services for their users at affordable price.

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