Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs In 2024? [Updated Logs Policy]

Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs

No doubt, ExpressVPN maintains your data privacy with its TrustedServer technology. But the question is, does ExpressVPN keep logs while doing that?

When we browse the web using a VPN, all of our web traffic passes through a VPN server. It means whatever activity you make online can be noticed by VPN servers. Since VPNs mention that they don’t store user logs, all of our online activities stay hidden.

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Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy. Show Less

In this article, we will discuss in depth how Express VPN log policy works. Do I have to be worried if my ExpressVPN log data getting leaked or not?

ExpressVPN Privacy Policy: Truly No-Log Policy

ExpressVPN has mentioned in its privacy policy that it collects minimal information that doesn’t harm its customer’s privacy. The information collected by ExpressVPN includes app version, server connection dates, server location & used bandwidth amount.

As it is clear that none of the data logged by ExpressVPN can be helpful in tracking back its users. ExpressVPN clearly mentioned that it doesn’t log IP addresses, DNS requests, geolocation, or search history that reveals a user’s identity.

What Does ExpressVPN Privacy Policy Say?

Inside the privacy policy section, ExpressVPN strongly mentions the following:

ExpressVPN doesn’t store information related to the online activity of users, which includes DNS requests, destination websites, traffic data, and browsing history. It never keeps connection logs which include the actual IP address/virtual IP address of users, connection timings & session length.”

Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs? PriceWaterhouseCoopers Audit

The question on everybody’s mind is whether ExpressVPN log data of its users or not. To find the answer to this question, PriceWaterhouseCoopers has thoroughly investigated the entire ExpressVPN infrastructure. They examined if the TrustedServer technology of ExpressVPN actually maintains users’ privacy.

After the Audit finished, PwC confirmed that the claims of keeping users’ data private by ExpressVPN are extremely true. The RAM-only servers of ExpressVPN leave no traces of user data & every bit of user data was wiped off.

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Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy.
Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy. Show Less

As PriceWaterhouseCoopers is a trusted auditor in the world and their audit shows that ExpressVPN is the safest VPN service provider. So it is true that the Express VPN log policy is strict about not keeping logs of its users.

ExpressVPN is widely recognized as a secure VPN provider, a fact supported by the audit conducted by renowned auditor PriceWaterhouseCoopers. As such, the strict log policy implemented by ExpressVPN Turkey ensures that user logs are not retained, guaranteeing a high level of privacy and security for its users.

Hence, ExpressVPN is an exceptionally secure VPN service that is well-suited for countries with stringent censorship, such as Turkey. Its rigorous log policy preserves user privacy and security by refraining from retaining any logs. Therefore, individuals residing in Turkey can confidently use ExpressVPN Turkey.

Does ExpressVPN Store Traffic Logs?

Does ExpressVPN Store Traffic Logs

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep logs of data traffic generated by users. It doesn’t store information about websites visited by the user. Neither the DNS requests made by the users are kept in ExpressVPN logs.

ExpressVPN also does not store the information regarding which browser was used by the user to access the web. So there is no way that anyone can track your location on the network while you are using ExpressVPN.

The only logs kept by ExpressVPN contain the amount of data(MBs) used by the users. This bandwidth information alone can’t tell anything about a specific user of ExpressVPN.

Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs Of All Connections?

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep the connection logs of its users. It means ExpressVPN doesn’t record the exact connect & disconnect time of a user. However, it will store the date of connections but this alone can’t track back to a specific user.

Is Your IP Address Logged By ExpressVPN?

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep logs related to the IP address of its users. According to the strict ExpressVPN privacy policy, it will never collect the actual or virtual IP addresses of its users. So you can rest assured that your identity is completely safe with ExpressVPN.

Is There Any Proof Of Zero Express VPN Log Policy?

Yes, there is a real-life incident that proves that ExpressVPN doesn’t keep logs. In 2017, while investigating the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov, the Turkish government seized ExpressVPN servers. But Turkish authorities didn’t find any information or logs related to this incident.

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Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy. Show Less

This real case is the actual evidence of the ExpressVPN zero log policy which keeps your data protected. Its TrustedServer technology with RAM-only servers ensures that none of your activity logs will be stored permanently.

How Strictly Does ExpressVPN Follow No-Log Policy?

ExpressVPN is based in British Virgin Islands with no data retention laws & also a VPN outside 14-Eyes countries. This means ExpressVPN holds its promise to not store any user logs and never monitor user activities.

Under BVI jurisdiction, if any government agency requests ExpressVPN for logs, there will be no information to hand over. You can check ExpressVPN Trust Center to see how it works to maintain the user’s privacy with zero log policy.

Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs After Kape Acquisition?

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep logs even after its acquisition by Kape Technologies. ExpressVPN has mentioned that any data related to the user will stay with ExpressVPN, not Kape Technologies.

BVI jurisdiction will still apply to ExpressVPN and as per no data retention laws of BVI, ExpressVPN doesn’t have to store any logs. If any authority will demand logs then it will be settled under BVI jurisdiction which prioritizes user privacy & anonymity.

Does ExpressVPN Log Policy Make It Worth Buying?

Is ExpressVPN Worth Buying

Yes, ExpressVPN is trustworthy to buy because of its no-log storing policy. If you want a VPN service that never tracks your online activity then ExpressVPN is the right choice for you.

The main benefit of buying ExpressVPN is getting top-level privacy without getting your data stored. Also, it makes it impossible for hackers or government agencies to track your location or web activity without any saved logs. So, if you plan to buy it then ExpressVPN 1 yr plan would be recommended.

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Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy.
Stay secure online with ExpressVPN - the fastest and most reliable VPN service with a strict no-logs policy. Show Less

Which Personal Logs Does ExpressVPN Keep?

ExpressVPN keep logs that are mentioned below:

  • Account Details: Your name, email & payment details are stored with ExpressVPN when you subscribe to its plan.
  • VPN Connection Dates: ExpressVPN keeps track of days when you have connected to its VPN servers(don’t collect timing).
  • Destination Server: It stores logs of which ExpressVPN server locations were connected by the user. But any online activity or traffic sent via that server is not collected by ExpressVPN.
  • Data Transferred Amount: ExpressVPN only collects information regarding the amount of data in MBs transferred. Also, the location to where it was transferred.
  • App Version: It collects information about the version of the app used and whether the user has updated the app or not.
  • IP Address: Your IP address will be collected only if you are using the ExpressVPN MediaStreamer feature. When you register your IP address while using MediaStreamer, it will be stored with ExpressVPN.

What Does ExpressVPN Do With Collected User Data?

The data collected by ExpressVPN includes minimal information which is used to optimize its service & improve user experience. Though ExpressVPN doesn’t collect any information that particularly identifies a user. The collected data is only used by ExpressVPN to monitor the performance of its servers & service.

Does ExpressVPN Share My Logs With Third Parties?

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t share your logs with others. Though ExpressVPN keep logs including App version, data used, connection dates, and payment details. ExpressVPN claims this minimal information will never be misused, abused, or disclosed to others.

Does ExpressVPN Keep Logs?

No, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep activity logs or connection logs. It only keeps minimal information including connection dates, server location, and MBs of data used.

Is ExpressVPN Trustworthy?

Yes, ExpressVPN can be trusted with its large server base in 160 cities in 94 countries. It doesn’t keep our logs and uses 256-bit AES encryption to protect your data.

Final Verdict

Online privacy is what most people are looking for! As discussed in this article, ExpressVPN doesn’t keep logs which provides ultimate privacy to its users. It will only collect minimal data that is zero percent helpful in tracking back a user’s identity.

So if you are looking to buy ExpressVPN for Apple TV or any other device then go ahead with no doubts.

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